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Minutes of the Parish meeting held on Tuesday 21st July at 7.00pm

Present:- J. Aldred (JA), M. Wilson(MW), B. Brook (BB), Cllr Woodman, N. Page, P Clark

1. Apologies –D. Miller (DM), 

2. Declaration of Interest – None

3. Minutes of 5th May Meeting – Previously circulated, accepted and signed.

4. Matters Arising:- 

Tennis Court – JA commented that we had not heard from Andrea regarding the residents and business survey which we had sent to her. Judy Cowen to check this out and get back to DJS or BB

Grove – The posts in the Grove are in a state of disrepair, there has been a quotation submitted to Michael Orde to replace the chain and posts.

Path to Budle – JA suggested this should be put onto our Local Transport Priority Plan, J Woodman agreed and suggested that we also have local support and help if required. PC suggested that the weeds could be sprayed with weed killer. DJS to contact Mick Tully to request.

Neighbourhood Plan Update – MW updated members have been split into groups to take forward the various policies, it is quite time consuming with a meeting every two weeks and work to be done in between, but it is a positive experience with all three villages working together as one. Cllr Woodman reported that help from professional people is required, but positive relationships have been forged, hopefully the plan will be completed by late 2016.

Bike Stands – Discussion took place on the siting of further bike stands in the Village. PC A Harle was in favour and said the village would benefit.. NP and PC were also in favour, we need to contact Castle Estates and Highways to ensure what permissions if any are required. BB/DJS to take this forward.

War Memorial – JA updated, The War Memorial Trust have made two conservation visits. The latest one from Allana Hughes was very informative, she has since sent a report through. The War Memorial Trust have offered to pay 75% of the total cost to repair/replace. Also they have offered to pay 75% of the cost of hiring a professional to manage the project. Two tenders have been asked for in conjunction with this. NP to contact Chris Bagley to inform him we will get papework to him as soon as possible.

Speed Signs – A Bardgett commented that he had received the information regarding the costs of speed signs. JA – the fact that we are within an AONB area more signs may be problematic. PC Harle suggested that some residents could be given training on speed awareness so that they could use speed guns although they would not be enforceable. Cllr Woodman suggested waiting for the outcome of the Ben Hamilton Baillie report which may free up some money from the shared spaces initiative which could be used towards putting in chicanes or speed signs. A Bardgett to liason with residents from Armstrong Cottages to get names of residents who would like to take the speed awareness training.

Risk Register – DJS circulated the risk register for comment, this to be an agenda item for next parish meeting.

PC Andy Harle - there has been two crimes in the last two months, one of cannabis possession and a window was smashed at the Castle Inn, other than that no real issues. JA has had a report of speeding cars in the car park – PC Harle to keep an eye out but if this happens again the Police should be called.

5. Financial Statement – previously circulated, agreed as a true record, DJS also gave update on recent Audit Questionnaire that Bamburgh Parish Council were required to fill in, also included a copy of our risk register which has been circulated for comment.

6. Any Other Business 

  • PClark said he had received complaints regarding the state of the verges throughout the Village, the grass that as been cut has been chewed rather than cut. JA and NP also have heard complaints, Cllr Woodman suggested writing to Barry Rowlands at NCC.
  • JA asked all Councillors to let DJS know when they are on holiday and whenever they can answer emails.
  • Coastal Community Team – JA gave update, a pot of money has been allocated from Local Government to help economic regeneration in communities. A coastal community team to be set up to put bids forward for this grant, ideally this should be one Cllr from each Village and one business owner. NP to attend first meeting on Monday with JA going to further meetings.
  • Defibrillator Refresher Training – Judy Cowen reported that another refresher training session has been organised for 1st October at 6.00pm in the Pavilion all welcome.

7. Date of Next Meeting – 7th September 2015

Community Orchard within the Village – Judy Cowen to progressJC
Olympic Torch – pursue purchase and find out costs JA
Parking Ingram Road and St Cuthberts Garth – JA to organise meeting with Margaret Robinson to discuss issuesJA
Tennis Courts – consultation to be undertaken with the village to understand if there is a need.JA/BB/DJS
Work to be undertaken to reinstate the Path from Budle to Bamburgh.JA


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Minutes: 21/07/2016