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Pavilion Resilience Centre

Warm Hub

Bamburgh Pavilion has been fitted with a battery backup system that provides electric power in the event of prolonged power outages caused by adverse weather conditions or other disturbances. In the event of a power cut, the battery automatically switches in and its 27kWh capacity is sufficient to run basic services in the pavilion for 1-3 days depending on which facilities are required. 

This so-called ‘warm hub’ will provide heat, hot water and basic services for local residents who need it. Normal mains voltage is maintained which can provide for anyone with medical support equipment that requires standard household power. Internet access will be available for personal emailing/communication even if the external broadband infrastructure is damaged, as it will automatically switch over to the wireless 4G phone network. 


If the need arises to use the pavilion as a shelter, the key can be obtained from the Victoria Hotel. When the emergency is over, please ensure that the key is returned to the Vic. 


Basic facilities such as heating, hot water, internet access and phone charging are available as well as limited food preparation such as microwave heating and kettles. Please note that the use of kitchen appliances increases the drain on the batteries and should be kept as low as possible. We have a smart application that lets us know how much battery capacity there is, so usage can be regulated based on the likely length of an outage. 

All functions of the pavilion will be operational when under battery power with one or two exceptions. 

The following are not operational: 

• Hand dryers 

• In the main hall, electric sockets on the side walls and wall overlooking cricket pitch (all other sockets including those below the TV screen in the hall are operational). 

Recommended Usage 

As with any battery, the charge will last longer with less drain. Please therefore do not turn on any unnecessary services such as lights in the daytime, portable electric heaters etc. Note that heat and hot water are provided by the oil-fired boiler which only needs a small amount of electricity to run it. So the central heating can be left on all the time for both radiators and hot water. 

If you have any queries about this emergency backup service, please contact Jamie Edgar at or anyone on the Bamburgh Pavilion committee.

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Warm Hub. Bamburgh Pavilion has been fitted with a battery backup system that provides electric power in the event of prolonged power outages caused by adverse weather conditions or other ... Read more »