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Storm preparation

Following the Met Office’s weather warnings regards Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice that are expected, Wednesday 16 February through to Friday 18 February, we wanted to write to you to ensure you have all the relevant information to support your communities.

Northumberland County Council and partners are preparing for these storms.

There are some things residents and businesses can do in preparation of a storm to protect themselves, others and their properties including:

  • Secure loose objects such as ladders, garden furniture or anything else that could be blown into windows and other glazing and break them
  • Close and securely fasten doors and windows, particularly those on the windward side of the house, and especially large doors such as those on garages
  • Park vehicles in a garage, if available; otherwise keep them clear of buildings, trees, walls and fences
  • Close and secure loft trapdoors with bolts, particularly if roof pitch is less than 30°
  • If the house is fitted with storm shutters over the windows, then ensure that these are closed and fastened
  • If chimney stacks are tall and in poor condition, move beds away from areas directly below them
  • Avoid travelling during the windiest periods (Wednesday - lunchtime/evening/night, and then again on Friday) when conditions could be really poor, and there is a risk of trees falling
  • Stay off the hills and off the water
  • Be prepared for a power cut - check you've got batteries for torches and radios, some food that doesn't need cooking
  • Charge mobile phones and any power pack back up

There is also some helpful advice via the Met Office here > Stay safe in a storm - Met Office

If you do experience issues like a loss of power or communications, please check on your neighbours and help them if necessary - the response within communities is essential, and almost always the quickest support that people will get.

Useful contact numbers

We have also attached a flyer which we would be grateful you share with those in your communities via any means available to you. It has emergency contact details and information should they or their wider family and friends need it.  Storm Support Flyer (3).pdf

Please do encourage them to share it with anyone they know in case of an emergency following the storms.

In preparations to support the local effort and help gather better intelligence of what is happening at a local place-based level, we have also identified a number of key staff to operate a single point of contacts with Town and Parish Councils:

Operating Times: noon - 9pm

Local Town & Parish Councillor - single point of contact

North Northumberland (Ruth Armstrong)

Mobile work: 07967809325


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